

Review: The Core Challenge

On 18 May 2021, Core, in association with Young Mediators Group, held The Core Challenge event. We heard from the winner and runners up of The Core Challenge, who presented their ideas about “What one change would make a real difference and increase the use of mediation in civil and commercial cases in Scotland", followed by excellent discussions with all participants about the future of mediation in Scotland.

The ideas discussed, which were captured via live scribe by illustrator Amber Anderson, included integrating mediation into the court process; making steps towards compulsory mediation; introducing “nudges” to encourage the use of mediation; making mediation clauses compulsory in certain civil and commercial agreements; importing ideas from other jurisdictions where mediation has been successfully used such as Japan; and changing the mindset of solicitors towards mediation. Participants discussed how these ideas or a combination of them might be implemented, the practicalities and challenges, funding aspects and the key stakeholders who would be involved. You can read the full entries here.

Amber’s excellent summary is below.

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